Sunday 26 December 2010

I found this interview very good and honest. Check it out people! Its Desmond Elliot.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Too Much Talk!

Undeniably when one looks at where Nigerian and even Ghaniain filmmakers are at with their work, there is undoubtedly a wealth of progress and strife for perfection. What about Cameroon? Is there any hope that we shall surface from the dpeths of procastination and humble ourselves to learn the art of filmmaking enough to incoporate our own values? Truth be told, Cameroonians talk more than they do. They are always waiting for the big break, the perfect equipment, the million dollar script and so on. Finally not much is done in terms of actually making films. The few films which finally get made have no marketing power or skillful marketers to market the products. I was shocked to discover that in Cameroon there were about 450 video films made and released yet with no real marketing startgies they remained underground. Where are we heading, it is said a journey of a thousand miles starts with a step...but lets not remain on that step lets take a few more cos we can.